tidytuesday's Chocolate Ratings from 18th January 2022, https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/tree/master/data/2022/2022-01-18.

Using the data provided, we can investigate a few attributes of chocolate, including its rating vs characteristics; source location and manufacturer.

First, we import the data and visualise the type of data that we have.

##       ref       company_manufacturer company_location    review_date  
##  Min.   :   5   Length:2530          Length:2530        Min.   :2006  
##  1st Qu.: 802   Class :character     Class :character   1st Qu.:2012  
##  Median :1454   Mode  :character     Mode  :character   Median :2015  
##  Mean   :1430                                           Mean   :2014  
##  3rd Qu.:2079                                           3rd Qu.:2018  
##  Max.   :2712                                           Max.   :2021  
##  country_of_bean_origin specific_bean_origin_or_bar_name cocoa_percent     
##  Length:2530            Length:2530                      Length:2530       
##  Class :character       Class :character                 Class :character  
##  Mode  :character       Mode  :character                 Mode  :character  
##  ingredients        most_memorable_characteristics     rating     
##  Length:2530        Length:2530                    Min.   :1.000  
##  Class :character   Class :character               1st Qu.:3.000  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character               Median :3.250  
##                                                    Mean   :3.196  
##                                                    3rd Qu.:3.500  
##                                                    Max.   :4.000

Which characteristics are used to describe the chocolate?

plot of chunk characteristics

plot of chunk char_review

This plot suggestst that 3.0 is the most common rating (523 ratings), but 3.5 is most rated overall (565 ratings). It is likely that a lot of other characteristics have few ratings each at 3.5. People seem a bit indifferent to their chocolate!

Is the mention of cocoa preferred high % or low %?

plot of chunk popular_cocoa

This is a strange plot - I agree! Area just wasn’t working, and line seems to be missing a few points… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • The percentage of cocoa in a bar, where cocoa is a memorable characteristic, seems to follow the total number of available with that percentage of cocoa.
  • 70% cocoa is both the most available, and the most memorable with cocoa.
  • There is even a bar with 100% cocoa (seriously??), but cocoa was only memorable in 4.8% of them!
  • It’s interesting that in general, percentage tends to peak when divisible by 5 (eg, 70%, 75%, 80%). Perhaps this is rounded on behalf of consumers; or because (eg) 73% suggests accuracy that cannot be achieved; or because round numbers are actually more tasty; or something else…
  • The highest proportion of memorable cocoa to the number of bars available is 50% at 56%, 71%, 73% cocoa percent.

So - cocoa seems to be preferred around 70% - 75%. Sounds a lot. Testers may have been chocolate “connoisseurs”! More chart(s) would be needed to discover if these are well rated.